phrasal verb

2012-10-21 5:53 am
缺少的phrasal verb 是?

回答 (5)

2012-10-21 7:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
Run out of

We ran out of food and water. 水和食物都用盡了。
The campaign ran out of gas. 那個運動後勁不繼。

2012-10-26 00:10:19 補充:
Lack of (answer 002) is not a phrasal verb. In fact, lack of used as a verb as cited in answer 002 is wrong.

He lacks money. (correct)
He lacks of money. (wrong)
2012-10-29 12:41 am
As a transitive verb, lack is used without any preposition as in lack money.
When we say there is a lack of money, lack functions as a noun.

2012-10-28 16:50:49 補充:
As an intransitive verb, lack can be used with a preposition. eg He is lacking in intelligence. She does not lack for friends. But lack in and lack for are not phrasal verbs.
2012-10-26 5:59 am
Run out of means 用完, 耗盡 not 缺少!

缺少的phrasal verb 是?

lack of 缺乏

He can't buy the video game as he lacks of money.
2012-10-21 8:36 pm
There is a difference between 'run out of' and '缺少'

"Run out of' means you used to have it but it has been used up. Whereas '缺少' could mean you never ever have it before.
2012-10-21 10:47 am
Go short of = 缺少,短缺

The children must not go short of food.

"Short" is used as an adverb.

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