
2012-10-20 8:01 pm
I found these sentences, I don't know if they are grammatically correct, in my friend's writings. Please give me a lecture and don't be too flippant because I'd really like to know about the answers.
You can answer in either English or Chinese.

1.Seventy-three mainland companies - 68 of them state-owned - made it onto Fortune magazine's Global 500 list of world's biggest corporations last year.
a) Would it be "68 of which are state-owned"?
b) I know the meaning of this sentence, "Seventy-three mainland companies - 68 of them (which are) state-owned - made it onto Fortune magazine's Global 500 list of world's biggest corporations last year.", but I'm convinced that clause should have been a verb.

2.Teenage pregnancy would not seem to be as big a problem in Hong Kong.
Question: Could you please point out the differences between "as big a problem" and "as a big problem" ?

Question: Take a look at definition 3. why does it use "of"?

Question: On the bottom of this web page, there is an idiom "play with fire", the definition of which looks grammatically incorrect. Should it be "takes" instead of "take"?

5.My first reaction was that of shock.
a)what does "that" mean here?
b)Is "My first reaction was of shock." correct?

囧 ( 小學級 2 級 ) : I see. thank you. So you mean it's the style of some dictionaries, which wouldn't be used in writing. Did I get it?

回答 (2)

2012-10-21 7:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. The writer of the sentence did not intend to put a relative clause in the sentence. "68 of them state owned" is a fragment inserted into the sentence to give extra information of those 73 companies. A fragment does not have to be a complete sentence.

The sentence with a relative clause should read like this:
Seventy-three mainland companies, of which 68 are state-owned, made it onto Fortune magazine's Global 500 list of world's biggest corporations last year.

2. "Not as big a problem in Hong Kong" suggests that teenage pregnancy is a big problem in other cities, though not in Hong Kong.

"Not (regarded/considered) as a big problem" simply states that pregnancy is not a big problem here.

3. "to diminish the strength, flavor, or brilliance of by admixture"
The word by is redundant. It should read
"to diminish the strength, flavor, or brilliance of a mixture"

4. "to act in a way that is not sensible and take dangerous risks"

"take dangerous risks" is not the second verb in the "that" clause.
"take dangerous risks" follows the word "to" at the beginning of the sentence.

oald is correct.

5. This is what distinguishes English from Chinglish. You may also say
"My firs reaction is one of shock."

(a) "that" does not refer to anything specific. You may say it is a placeholder. You may also treat "that" as referring to "reaction".

(b) No, the sentence is not correct.

2012-10-21 11:03:48 補充:
On #3, I agree with 意見者:囧 ( 小學級 2 級 )
2012-10-21 8:40 am
I mostly agree with 博士級 but I beg to differ on Q3. Let's say the made-up verb 'brindler' is used like this: 'I brindler you' = 'I eat your food with joy'. Then the defn might be 'to eat the food of with joy'.

2012-10-21 20:15:16 補充:
Yep, 大明 - the style of some definitions, actually.

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