Thirty Eight Nobel Winning Scientists have Endorsed Obama, shouldn't you?

回答 (15)

2012-10-20 1:44 am
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Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I have sufficient confidence in my own decision-making abilities to not vote the way my boss or my union or a collection of scientists tells me to vote. In other words, I'm not a drone. And a person can be a brilliant chemist or physicist and not understand squat about the concerns of my world. And I notice, by the way, that there is not one Economist in that group.

Scholars tend to work and be immersed in Academia, which with its grants and tenure and government support, tends to be rather insulated from "regular" American life. So their presuming to know and understand what is "best" for the rest of us poor, dumb folks is just arrogance of the first order. It's like when some celebrity or athlete tries to tell us what's good for us.

And for my money, Obama has not been that great a supporter of the Sciences or the scientific problems that confront us, anyway. He has virtually emasculated NASA, for example, and there has been virtually no substantive progress during his administration on the problems of global warming or A.I.D.S.
2012-10-20 8:26 am
I support someone based on the facts and the record - not what someone else decides for me. Independent thinking pays off.
2012-10-20 8:27 am
sciencist are mostly liberal remember that
2012-10-20 8:30 am
While impressive, the difficulty with this is that Nobel Prize winning scientists, while experts in their individual fields, don't necessarily know any more about politics then you or I. Assuming of course, you are not a Nobel Prize winning scientist.
2012-10-20 8:28 am
But what if 50 million voters do not?
2012-10-20 8:55 am
No but it has lowered my opinion of Nobel Winning Scientists.
2012-10-20 8:36 am
You would help your case more by citing Nobel winning economists. This election is about jobs and economic growth, something economists are, obviously, experts on. While I admire scientists they are not political scientists nor are they likely to have any scholarly economic journals or books.
參考: Not aware of any serious pro-Obama economist.
2012-10-20 8:30 am
The same ones that lied about Global warming???

Not Interested in what they have to say about ANYTHING....

Lets look at what Barry has not done...

I have kept track of these numbers the Obama DOL has released every Thursday @ 8:50AM every week for the last 35 weeks... Did you know these numbers have Averaged to over 400,000 New Signers to unemployment EVERY WEEK over Obama's entire term? They have that averaged TOTAL number I have listed below as well...

2/19/2012… 348,000 New Signers to Unemployment
2/26/2012… 350,000 New Signers to Unemployment
3/01/2012… 351,000 New Signers to Unemployment
3/08/2012… 361,000 New Signers to Unemployment
3/15/2012… 351,000 New Signers to Unemployment
3/22/2012… 348,000 New Signers to Unemployment
3/29/2012… 359,000 New Signers to Unemployment
4/05/2012… 357,000 New Signers to Unemployment
4/12/2012… 380,000 New Signers to Unemployment
4/19/2012… 386,000 New Signers to Unemployment
4/26/2012… 388,000 New Signers to Unemployment
5/03/2012… 365,000 New Signers to Unemployment
5/10/2012… 367,000 New Signers to Unemployment
5/17/2012… 370,000 New Signers to Unemployment
5/24/2012… 370,000 New Signers to Unemployment
5/31/2012… 383,000 New Signers to Unemployment
6/07/2012… 377,000 New Signers to Unemployment
6/14/2012… 386,000 New Signers to Unemployment
6/21/2012… 387,000 New Signers to Unemployment
6/28/2012… 386,000 New Signers to Unemployment
7/06/2012… 374,000 New Signers to Unemployment
7/12/2012… 350,000 New Signers to Unemployment
7/19/2012… 386,000 New Signers to Unemployment
7/26/2012… 353,000 New Signers to Unemployment
8/02/2012… 365,000 New Signers to Unemployment
8/09/2012… 361,000 New Signers to Unemployment
8/16/2012… 366,000 New Signers to Unemployment
8/23/2012… 372,000 New Signers to Unemployment
8/30/2012… 374,000 New Signers to Unemployment
9/06/2012… 369,000 New Signers to Unemployment
9/13/2012… 382,000 New Signers to Unemployment
9/20/2012… 382,000 New Signers to Unemployment
9/27/2012… 359,000 New Signers to Unemployment
10/04/2012… 367,000 New Signers to Unemployment
10/11/2012… 367,000 New Signers to Unemployment
10/18/2012… 388,000 New Signers to Unemployment

Sadly this amount of American LOST JOBS EVERY WEEK has become the norm… This needs to end NOW… Or our freedoms will be gone right before our eyes….

Total...... 12,224,000 New Signers to Unemployment.

That is….. 12 million 224 thousand jobs lost in the last 33 weeks. Is this Obama’s Legacy? Sharing the Poverty when he says Share the wealth…

**** For 83 out of the last 84 weeks after these numbers have been released they have been revised to a Higher number… Hmmmmmm… Is this just MORE LIES from the LIARS?….

Here is what Obama really created………. POVERTY...

How many “New Signers to Unemployment” have lost their jobs sense Obama’s election?

The 194 total weeks of the Obama term… that is 165 weeks of America’s New Signers to Unemployment has “averaged” over 400,000 jobs per week plus the last 35 weeks = (190 total) a 3 year + averaged number of New Signers to Unemployment is now around…

78, 166,000 Americans who have lost their jobs. THAT IS… 78 MILLION 166 THOUSAND New Signers to Unemployment under Obama’s watch……

This is “WITH a Full 2 YEARS of TOTAL CONTROL of ALL of the Federal Government Law making Process…” So who’s fault is it we have not turned the corner towards Job growth? GW Bush’s???? Ohhhhhhh REALLY???????

I have a question for you…
Is it time to wake up yet?

Your vote on November 6th 2012 will answer this question.

You don't like the numbers Obama released? I can't blame you for that... Neither do I...

參考: Yes... We are here . We remain hard at work behind the curtain of anonymity.. But be sure of this. Our VOICES WILL BE HEARD. ♫♫♫♫♫ I am not affiliated to this band in any way shape or form…
2012-10-20 8:28 am
Don't forget Honey boo endorsed Obama as well. With endorsements like this, the man can't lose.
2012-10-20 8:40 am
I wonder how many of these scientists actually have lived here for the full reign of King Obama and his court jesters? Not many I would guess.
2012-10-20 9:11 am
They may be very intelligent, but after their endorsement of 0blunder one can't help but question their intelligence and as for their common sense there is no point because by their action of endorsing 0blunder we know that they have none.
2012-10-20 8:36 am
The fact that 38 of these guys endorse Obama kind of ruins the credibility of the Nobel prize.
Are these scientists going to turn lead into gold too like Obama promised?
2012-10-20 8:26 am
Sensible AND brilliant people.
2012-10-20 8:27 am
I am. All the way.
2012-10-20 8:27 am
"only intelligence can see intelligence"

- Republicans on Y!A's

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