✔ 最佳答案
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I have sufficient confidence in my own decision-making abilities to not vote the way my boss or my union or a collection of scientists tells me to vote. In other words, I'm not a drone. And a person can be a brilliant chemist or physicist and not understand squat about the concerns of my world. And I notice, by the way, that there is not one Economist in that group.
Scholars tend to work and be immersed in Academia, which with its grants and tenure and government support, tends to be rather insulated from "regular" American life. So their presuming to know and understand what is "best" for the rest of us poor, dumb folks is just arrogance of the first order. It's like when some celebrity or athlete tries to tell us what's good for us.
And for my money, Obama has not been that great a supporter of the Sciences or the scientific problems that confront us, anyway. He has virtually emasculated NASA, for example, and there has been virtually no substantive progress during his administration on the problems of global warming or A.I.D.S.