為何這裡用The Hong Kong?

2012-10-18 4:26 am
The Hong Kong and Central Governments will follow up on the issue.

Hong Kong是專有名詞,為何在其前要加 the?

回答 (3)

2012-10-18 4:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
這是因為Hong Kong在這裏的功用是用作形容詞,用來修飾Government,在英文裏有複合名詞(compound noun),複合名詞其中有以名詞+名詞,或動名詞+名詞等等所組成,如:an apple tree, a car factory, a dog race, name-calling等等


因為Government通常會冠以 冠詞,所以,就有The Hong Kong Government之說


注:因這緣故,所以就有 in the mainland China,而不是 on the mainland China;又on China's mainland,而不是 in China's mainland
2012-10-19 8:25 am
Governments is a plural noun.

The sentence is referring to the Hong Kong Government and the Central Governement.
2012-10-18 8:55 pm
(1) in mainland China (mainland is adjective)
(2) on the mainland (mainland is noun)
(3) on the Chinese mainland (Chinese is adjective)

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