
2012-10-09 5:17 am

原句:She had somebody repair the roof.
改寫:She had the roof repaired by somebody.
再改寫:Somebody was had to repair the roof by her.

如果正確,She had her money stolen. 又可否改寫成 Somebody was had to steal her money by her. 及 She had somebody steal her money. ?

回答 (5)

2012-10-09 9:02 am
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原句:She had somebody repair the roof.
改寫:She had the roof repaired by somebody. (correct)
再改寫:Somebody was had to repair the roof by her. (incorrect)

再改寫:Somebody was asked/hired by her to repair the roof.

She had her money stolen.
Somebody was had to steal her money by her. (grammatically incorrect)
She had somebody steal her money. (grammatically correct but meaning is different)

The meaning of the first sentence is that somebody had stolen her money. She did not ask anybody to steal her money.

The sentence suggests that she was somehow responsible. She might have left her handbag in a public place, etc.

2012-10-10 17:21:05 補充:
I have a book.
You cannot rewrite it in passive voice, like A book is had by me.
2012-10-11 1:30 am
ginger2011 謝謝你的意見,你的意見很棒。
2012-10-10 12:44 am
Causative verb - "have":

(1) She had somebody repair the roof. (causative- to tell somebody to do something for you)
(2) She had the roof repaired by somebody. (passive causative- to cause something to be done for you by somebody else)

2012-10-09 16:53:55 補充:
causative verbs in passive voice: (examples from "陳思-心英文法集")

My father made me come to the cram school.
= (passive) I was made to come to the cram school by my father.

My parents didn’t let me stay out.
= I wasn’t let to stay out.

2012-10-09 16:58:00 補充:
Accordingly, it seems to be grammatically correct to rewrite the sentence(1) in passive voice as: Somebody was had to repair the roof (by her).

However, I tend to agree with Garlic that we should rewrite the sentence as:
Somebody was told/asked/arranged/hired (by her) to repair the roof.

2012-10-09 17:05:46 補充:
(4) She had her money stolen. (non-causative use - to suffer the effects of what somebody else does to you)

This non-causative construction can only be rewritten (in active voice) as:
Somebody had stolen her money.
2012-10-09 11:33 am
原句:She had somebody repair the roof.
(原句是一句主旨不清晰、頗為拙劣的英文,其實意思就是「Somebody had repair her roof.」)
改寫:She had the roof repaired by somebody.
再改寫:Somebody was had to repair the roof by her.

She had her money stolen.
(又是一句怪英語,相信大部份使用英語的人都會寫為:「Her money had been stolen.」)

Somebody was had to steal her money by her.
(這句的意思是甚麼?如困一定要用這種結構,應是:「Somebody has had to steal her money.」)

She had somebody steal her money.
(這樣的話「she」變成主詞,是奇怪的寫法!按句子的意思而言,主詞應是「money」或「somebody」,「money」作主詞:「Her money had been stolen.」,「somebody」作主詞則是:「Somebody had stole her money.」)
2012-10-09 6:03 am
---The rewrite=Revise Direct into Reported speech----
Since the Direct Speech on Past Perfect into Reported Speech is No Change, hence She had somebody repair(ed) the roof=original sentence
She had the roof repaired by somebody.=same idea
Somebody had repaired the roof (ordered to be =ordered)by her. =(no need was had)x(no need at p.p.perfect tense?)x(Keep the reported speech).
(1)She had (her money) stolen=accident=(she is subj) original sent.
(2)She had somebody=Her money had been stolen (by somebody)=(no need be in an accident)(Keep reported speech).
(3)Somebody had stolen her money=(no need by her)x(no need was had)x(no need at pp perfect tense?)x(somebody is subj)x(Keep Direct Speech Idea).
參考: google website

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