Dangling modifier

2012-10-08 6:38 am
To speak foul language or not, it is your call. (Ref: 《評論》Make sense of a phrase, 補充)

Is the above sentence a case of "dangling modifier"?

Wiki's definition of a dangling modifier:
A dangling modifier is an ambiguous grammatical construct whereby a grammatical modifier could be misinterpreted as being associated with a word other than the one intended, or with no particular word at all.
Walking down Main Street, the trees were beautiful.
(Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dangling_modifier)

回答 (4)

2012-10-08 7:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
Misrelated Participle is another argument which we'll discuss.
For "Dangling modifier"we've
To speak foul language or not, it is your "morality judgment HK."
=present participle phrase------(main clause).
參考: google website
2012-10-23 7:50 am
I don't think there are any dangling modifiers here, just left dislocation.

To speak foul language or not, it is your call.
To speak foul language or not is your call.

Also, I don't think 'speak' collocates with 'foul language'. 'Use' might be better.

2012-10-22 23:52:47 補充:
Never mind, just saw you had a 評論 on that. I'll read that.
2012-10-17 4:03 am
2012-10-08 8:10 am
Exactly it is! Though "dangling" should be grammatically incorrect, still It can be used as such situations...(see here "Dangling Participles")

The infinitives are used to be "dangling modifier" as usually as participles...(see here (3))

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