
2012-10-07 1:47 am
原句: She had the roof repaired.

改寫: Somebody was had to repair the roof by her.

原句: She had her money stolen.

改寫: Somebody was had to steal her money by her.


回答 (4)

2012-10-07 2:13 am
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Both of your sentences are incorrect.

She had the roof repaired.
may mean one of the following situations.

She had repaired the roof herself.
She had asked someone to repair the roof.

The bottom line is
The roof had been repaired under her initiative.

She had her money stolen.
= Someone had stolen her money.

Using "she" as the subject implies that she was somehow responsible for the lost money. Perhaps she did not lock it up properly.

2012-10-09 00:56:45 補充:
She had the roof repaired. = She had asked someone to repair the roof.

To change it to passive voice, it becomes:

Somebody was asked/hired by her to repair the roof. (Not "was had by her")

2012-10-09 00:58:24 補充:
She had her money stolen. =/= She had asked someone to steal her money.

Apart from grammatical mistake, the passive voice does not make sense.
2012-10-12 1:15 am
She had the roof repaired by herself because she was a builder.
She had her money stolen by herself.to cheat insurance money.
2012-10-09 5:05 am
回應 garlic2010

我認為 She had the roof repaired. 只有She had asked someone to repair the roof. 的意思,沒有 She had repaired the roof herself. 的意思。正如She had her money stolen. 沒有 She had stolen her money herself. 的意思一樣。

2012-10-08 21:09:00 補充:
我不同意 Both of your sentences are incorrect.,因為我不明白 Somebody was had to repair the roof by her. 有甚麼錯。

但我同意 Somebody was had to steal her money by her. 的意思與原句不一樣。
2012-10-07 8:40 am
1) She had the roof repaired.
可能性: She repaired the roof by herself.
Someone repaired the roof for her.
結論: Her roof was repaired.
你以上第一句改寫 Somebody was had to repair the roof by her 犯上雙動詞錯誤, "was" 之後是不必加上"had", 因為動詞是 "repair", 只要加上 "was" 就可以了

EG-> The roof has been repaired for her by somebody.
注意此處使用present perfect tense, 因為沒有提供時間指示詞.

錯誤一: Somebody had to repair the roof.....
錯誤二: Somebody was repairing the roof...
2) She had her money stolen.
Her money has been stolen by somebody.
注意不需加上for her, 因為被偷錢不是意料中事.
參考: me

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