
2012-10-06 4:16 am

I am come.

回答 (7)

2012-10-06 8:10 pm
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It is an old form of English not generally used today.

The first lyrics of the Christmas song, Joy to the world,
"Joy to the world, the Lord is come."

Is come is a declaration.

I am come = 我已經來了!

2012-10-08 14:26:29 補充:
This is called archaic grammatical construction. A form of the verb BE is used as an auxiliary with the past participle of an intransitive verb. In Old English, these constructions commonly occurred with intransitive verbs relating to motion or change.

2012-10-08 14:26:51 補充:
Examples of such verbs are: come, go, rise, set, fall, arrive, depart, grow. These constructions are in the "perfect tense," which describes an action or state completed.

2012-10-08 14:27:40 補充:
Now, of course, auxiliary HAVE has replaced auxiliary BE in these types of sentences: for example, "Father, I am glad you HAVE come." The use of HAVE arose slightly later than the use of BE in most of these cases, and for a time, the two forms co-existed.

2012-10-08 14:28:12 補充:
In fact, archaic grammatical construction was still being used in the 19th century: "I am lately arrived thence...she was now returned...she was become morose" (Charlotte Bront).

2012-10-08 14:31:26 補充:
This grammatical construction is not passive voice. It is the old form of present perfect tense. It was used before the auxiliary HAVE was introduced to English.
2012-10-06 11:16 am
i guess this is a wrong sentence structure unless it reads "I am coming" or "I come"

With is/am/are + verb, it indicates an ongoing action so it has to come with an ing form verb. (eg. eating, listening, sleeping etc)

And I am coming means 我現正在路上/我正來

2012-10-06 11:04 am
From the bible:
The fulfillment of the whole has come,
And is revealed in this, “I AM COME!”...

The One, who was, has come...

The One, who is, is come...
2012-10-06 6:28 am
I am come = I have come
2012-10-06 5:33 am
如果I am come. 的意思等於我來了,那麼 I am coming. 的意思又是甚麼?

2012-10-06 18:03:54 補充:
I am come. 是被動句還是主動句?

如果是被動句,是否可寫成 I am come by somebody. ?
2012-10-06 5:29 am
這句話的意思是 我可以來

I = 我

am come 可以指 要來了 來了 等等

come = 來

整句是指 我要來了 或者 我來了 等等

有英文不懂 歡迎來找我哦~
電郵是 : [email protected]

這是 am 的例句 :

I am a college student. 我是個大學生。

am 要用於第一人稱單數現在式
(與 -ing連用構成現在進行式 ; 與 ed連用構成被動態)

I am always encouraged to speak English. 人們總是鼓勵我講英語。

I am doing well in school. 我在學校很好。

2012-10-05 21:30:38 補充:
第一句寫錯了 應該是 我要來了 我來了


參考: me~
2012-10-06 5:17 am
I am come.

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