《評論》Make sense of a phrase

2012-09-30 7:39 pm

回答 (4)

2012-11-19 8:10 am
Garlic wrote:

Walking from from his office, he came across man who was selling balloons.

from from? lol

he came across MAN! OMG!
2012-10-08 7:48 am
To speak foul language or not, it is your (morality judgment HK.)=It means present participle phrase + (main clause).
2012-10-02 9:13 am
Was it you who said many native speakers could not speak correct English? Why should I, or you, give a damn?

You don't grasp even a bit of my article. It is a waste of my time arguing with you.
2012-10-02 7:08 am
Before I give you my comments, I'd like to let you know how a present participle phrase looks like.

Claiming he lost his ticket for the show, Nancy insists the ticket taker let him in.

Invented by an Indiana housewife in 1889, the first dishwasher was driven by a steam engine.

2012-10-01 23:13:17 補充:
Can you see the difference between the examples that I gave you and your own composition?

Btw, there are grammatical mistakes in your own article. I'll show it to you in my later response to your PP article.

One more thing: Many native speakers comment your sentence doesn't make sense!!!!!!

2012-10-02 12:34:31 補充:
Yes, I did, but those native speakers who I was talking to are good at English. I won't give a shit to anyone except the ONE. It's you that who don't grasp the understanding of a participle phrase.

2012-10-02 12:34:41 補充:
It is a waste of my time...??? (What's this?)


It's wasting my time to argue with you.

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