牛津高階英漢詞典 第7版一問

2012-09-22 3:14 am
1. 想問其實我呢種懶人岩上網查定揭字典??
2. 我見有oxforddict.com 同埋牛津高階英漢詞典 第7版都有disk 兩個係咪一樣??
3. 如果真係買字典, oxford同cambridge邊個好d? 建議買邊d?

回答 (5)

2012-09-22 8:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 咁要睇你上網查嘅意思係點查喇!如果只係好簡單直接地用一啲英漢網上字典(eg. yahoo! 字典),咁你係唔會學得好英文。其實查字典最重要嘅唔係睇個解釋,而係睇吓字典提供嘅例句,咁先至幫到你明白個字點用、用喺邊、幾時用等等。我認為網上字典同實體字典一樣咁重要,最好兩樣都有。

2. 牛津第7版隻碟比oxforddict.com資料、例句等等會詳盡啲。

3. 其實各有各好,而且牛津同劍橋個模式都好似,建議你喺兩本當中揀一本(我會揀牛津),再另加一本collins COBUILD,咁會最幫到你去理解一個字、以至一句句子。因為collins COBUILD嘅講解方式同牛津好唔同,你可以去書店「及」吓先。
2012-09-23 5:23 pm
2012-09-22 5:43 am
I recommend Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, the English dictionary, not the English-Chinese dictionary.
2012-09-22 3:37 am
(1)The computer is an electronic machine that a game can be played in a computer.You may have computer errors on personal computer,supercomputer.Finding the word arranged in alphabetical order of Headwords,Compound words in separte entries are better.
(2)If oxforddict.com7th disk are the same,so does the8th edition.
(3)"oxford" have got the Advanced Learner's Dict.of Current English, costing little money than you expected.

2012-09-21 19:39:19 補充:
Hence buy O.A.L.D.of Current English.
2012-09-22 3:25 am

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