which 和where 一問

2012-09-21 7:18 am
岩岩做grammer book 有d 地方make me confused
1.the shop which sells newspaper is the nearest shop
2.the restaurant where we had dinner was near the airport
3.i would like to live in a place where there is plenty of sunshine
我一直都以為which 只係用於物/事情 , 但係係例一果到which 用於形容地方令我發覺佢同where兩者好似有共通之處,請問以上例子可唔可以換成
1.the shop where sells newspaper is the nearest shop
2.the restaurant which we had dinner was near the airport
3.i would like to live in a place which there is plenty of sunshine


回答 (3)

2012-09-21 8:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
The shop which sells newspaper is the nearest shop. (correct)
The shop where sells newspaper is the nearest shop. (wrong)

The relative pronoun "which" can be the subject or the object of a relative clause. As a subject, "which" can take a verb.

"Where" is an adverb to describe a place or location and it cannot have a verb after it.

The restaurant where we had dinner was near the airport. (correct)
The restaurant which we had dinner was near the airport. (wrong)

The second sentence can be corrected in one of the following ways:
The restaurant which we had dinner at was near the airport. (correct)
The restaurant at which we had dinner was near the airport. (correct)

As mentioned above, where is an adverb and "we" is the subject of the relative clause.
"At which" can replace "where" in the above sentence.

I would like to live in a place where there is plenty of sunshine. (correct)
I would like to live in a place which there is plenty of sunshine. (wrong)

As mentioned above, "which" must be either the subject or the object of the relative clause. If "which" is neither the subject nor the object, its use must be wrong.

The second sentence can be corrected as follows:
I would like to live in a place in which there is plenty of sunshine. (correct)

"In which" has the same meaning as "where" in this sentence.
2012-09-21 7:00 pm


首先,which 可以用係任何東西,但當前面係人的時侯就用WHO.就係這樣簡單.

另外, where=in/at which, WHERE 隱藏 介詞即係preposition.


where do you live? = at/In which do you live?


1.the shop (which=shop sells newspaper) is the nearest shop
2.the restaurant (where=at restaurant we had dinner )was near the airport
3.i would like to live in a place( where=in the place there is plenty of sunshine)

要知你的句子有冇錯就要係把些代詞句子環原.如1, the shop sells newspaper. 2 we had dinner at restaurant.3 there is plenty of sunshine in the place.

最後,也許係你最錯的一點,where不能作主語/subject. 一定係句尾.

1.the shop (where sells newspaper) is the nearest shop>>無左主語/subject不合理的句子>> sells newspaper where. 錯,不知如何再解釋.

2.the restaurant( in which we had dinner) was near the airport>>加IN WHICH才對
不合理的句子>>we had dinner restaurant=which.
合理的句子>>we had dinner in restaurant=in which.
3.i would like to live in( a place IN which there is plenty of sunshine)>>>>加IN WHICH才對
不合理的句子>>there is plenty of sunshine a place=which.
合理的句子>>there is plenty of sunshine IN a place=in which.

2012-09-21 7:59 am
---The Relative Adverbs when the shady side where (=in which) is used idiomatically should be complehended:-
Hence(1)eg:-The shop which sells newspaper is the nearest shop,means
----------The shop where (=in which) newspapers are sold...
Hence(2)eg:-The restaurant where we had dinner was near the airport,means
----------The restaurant where (=in which)we had dinner.....
Hence(3)eg:-I would like to live in a place where there is plenty of sunshine,means--------I would like to live in a place where(=in which) sunshine are plenty.
-----Some more confused Grammar book in Relative Adverb on shady side are:--(1)The shop when (=in which) newspaper are sold has the same"in which" usage.
--(2)The reason why(=for which) we had dinner was nearly the same..
--(3)Let me know the way (how)there was plenty of sunshine giving!

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