should no ...nor should ..?

2012-09-09 1:54 am
Assets should not be revalued nor should
future cash flows be discounted in the measurement
of assets and liabilities except when required or permitted
by the SME-FRS.

請問第一行, nor should..是倒轉法句字,
如果不用, 以上句字應點樣寫 ?

回答 (2)

2012-09-09 7:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
The sentence can be written in the following way:

Assets should not be revalued and future cash flows should not be discounted in the measurement of assets and liabilities except when required or permitted by the SME-FRS.

Nor is used when there are two negative statements that are parallel in structure. You can use nor in the second negative statement in an inversion form instead of repeating the same structure.

I do not like bananas and I do not like chocolate.
I do not like bananas nor do I like chocolate.

2012-09-09 2:23 am
The sentence:-
When two facts on Asset+Liabilities are mentioned, both are not permitted to revalue if SME-FRS disapproves.

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