amid 用法一問

2012-09-05 9:55 pm
Facebook shares have lost almost half their value amid concerns over future growth and strategy

1. amid concerns over點解??

回答 (4)

2012-09-06 12:08 pm
2012-09-06 9:12 am
To explain it simply, amid means "in the middle of" or "in face of" of some on going events. Its meaning in Chinese is more like 面對 than 在當中.

amid concerns over點解?

Between is more like 在當中/在其中, physically or among different choices. Amid is used when facing a situation.

The government is standing firm on civic and nationalist education amid strong protests from the public.

2012-09-06 9:08 am
The Facebook shares have lost almost half their value amid concerns over future growth and strategy;-
(1)The explaination:-amid concerns over=in or during something=during;During the future growth + strategy,it does not concern shares to lost value as in subject.
The analysis briefly:-
have lost-----verb
in 3 future fears---------Predicate--(-preposition phrase)
(2)amid or mid----preposition=in or during
Hence during the (1)future growth,(2)strategy and (3)face etc.had caused excitement and fears over and surrounded by" them". You can't use the word "between" because it is more than two things or events.
"Between" prep,means in or into the space separating two points,etc. eg:-
"5 marks sat down between Jen. and me.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2012-09-05 11:21 pm
2. amid或amidst主要意思是in 或 among = 在當中,在特殊只表示在兩樣事物中間才會跟between一樣。

1. amid concerns over大約跟in concerns over無分別 - 只是有點玩字


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