how can people see your questions when you have them blocked?

2012-08-31 7:10 pm
how can people see you questions when you have them blocked

when i am blocked i can not see the profile or questions


CK...... i forgot about that i did that a long time ago when some one else blocked me i used another account that i only use for emails to just read the question but i could not star it

回答 (2)

2012-08-31 7:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
They can log out and go back and read the question. They can't comment though, without being logged in.
2012-09-01 2:19 am
To my own knowledge that is the time blocked is used, to hide the person's site but *personal information *only. Some persons are just too busy to be also getting that *additional correspondence, (but can be e-mailed through q&a @ yahoo@com.
參考: If they e-mail you from q & a than you have the option to accept answer or not. Keeps *their amenity more *secure, too.

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