
2012-08-26 1:25 am

I do not approve the policy.
I do not approve of the policy.

回答 (4)

2012-08-26 4:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
approve the loan, approve the budget, approve the proposal, etc.
approve = 批准

It is weird to say "approve the policy".

approve of the policy = 讚同、讚成、認同, etc.

2012-08-30 01:14:42 補充:
上述例句是否應該加of 才合理

Surely, it should be approve of the policy.
2012-08-29 3:12 am

但yahoo字典話 approve 的及物和不及物都可以解作讚同,而且有例句:The professor does not approve the government's foreign policy.

你話 It is weird to say "approve the policy",那麼上述例句是否應該加of 才合理?
2012-08-26 4:59 am
Approve of the policy=of the policy can be given to the idea of possession,can function as possessive adj=the policy of.....emphasis something can be added.
I do not approve=(accept,agree to) the policy.
2012-08-26 2:38 am
參考: Google

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