when後是否不能用will ?

2012-08-12 4:47 am
原句: The company’s headquarters closes in June, when most of the staff will be moving to its new building in Madrid.

when後是否不能用will ?

The company’s headquarters closes in June, when most of the staff moves to its new building in Madrid.

回答 (6)

2012-08-12 6:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
可以,有首舊歌叫做when will i see you again,上utube聽聽。
2012-08-13 1:25 am
原句的 will 是甚麼意思?

When you will see he, tell him he still owes me some money. 這句的will 的用法又是否正確?

2012-08-12 20:46:41 補充:
噢,我明白了,when是指 June。
2012-08-12 9:35 am
Answers 001 and 003 are all wrong. When in the sentence is a conjunction, not a question word.

2012-08-12 01:37:26 補充:
The original sentence is correct in the use of "will".

2012-08-14 01:39:02 補充:
When you see him, tell him he still owes me some money.
2012-08-12 8:25 am
when will you go to school, my friend?
when will they go shopping about?
首先, 其實只係想講無問題, 可以用的
另外, 你下次問呢d 問題可以係google search 到打, "when will' 睇下有無人咁講過就會知道, 唔洗係度問, 又快

再講, 我係你句野度睇到另外一點表逹不太正確, 但又唔係錯,,,
就係通常同人地講野都係會一句說話講一個重點, 咩意思呢?
如, 時間天氣人物數量仔細物品
如, 今日阿強你, 老陳, 陳輝同埋阿克係中午黃昏前去旺角茶餐廳係一二三大廈則邊哥間度食黑椒汁雞飯, 白汁魚柳飯同壽司?

The company’s headquarters closes in June, when most of the staff moves to its new building in Madrid.
你呢句岩, 但我會改成
The company's headquarters are going to (closes down in June).
(Most of staffs) are moving the base to the (new building in Madrid).
(When) will the staffs move to their new building.

2012-08-12 8:16 am
參考: me
2012-08-12 6:22 am
u sure the 原句is exactly like that?
then the correction would be:
The company’s headquarter will close/closes in June...
(headquarter, not headquarters)

The "when-clause" in the原句 is right.
Your changes to the "when-clause" is also correct grammatically and makes sense.

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