
2012-08-10 1:50 am
1. He could not see anything on the looms for a very good reason.

(for a very good reason )在這是何解?
我只知道前面就是解:他看不到在looms上有任何的東西,但就是不知(for a very good reason )在這是什麼解釋。

2.They asked whether the colors were not very beautiful.
They asked whether the colors were very beautiful.
想問上下兩個是否一樣意思? 如果不一樣,想問問分別係點解?


回答 (3)

2012-08-11 9:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
for a good reason 中文解為「是有原因的」
They lost the game for a good reason. They did not have enough practice before the game.

They asked whether the colors were not very beautiful.
They asked whether the colors were very beautiful.

In direct sppech, the questions become:
Aren't the colors beautiful?
Are the colors beautiful?

In the first question, the speaker is expecting you to answer yes.
In the second question, the speaker may be expecting you to answer yes but it can also be a genuine question and the answer can be yes or no.

2012-08-14 14:50:04 補充:
Aren't the colors beautiful?
is similar to
The colors are beautiful, aren't they?

But they are not exactly the same.
2012-08-12 3:41 am
1. better give us the previous sentences/ the whole paragraph of wt u were reading

2. seldom see "whether xxx is not xxxx"
do u have the complete text?

3. Q:Aren't the colors beautiful?
A: Yes, they are.

4.The colors were beautiful, weren't they.
colours: pl
2012-08-11 11:40 am
2.They asked whether the colors were not very beautiful. 他們問說那些顏色是不是不夠漂亮

They asked whether the colors were very beautiful or not .
=They asked whether/if the colors were very beautiful. 他們問說那些顏色漂不漂亮

whether完整觀念,看這裡 和 這裡

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