
2012-07-27 1:42 am

回答 (5)

2012-08-06 12:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
adverb + painful (adjective)

acutely painful = 劇痛
excruciatingly painful = 極痛苦,難忍受痛
unbearably painful = 無法忍受的痛

adjective + pain (noun)

acute pain = 劇痛
unbearable pain = 無法忍受的痛
agonizing pain = 極度的痛苦

If you describe something as excruciating, you are emphasizing that it is extremely painful, either physically or emotionally.

Something that is agonizing causes you to feel great physical or mental pain.
2012-07-28 8:29 am
Answer 001 by Lovis,

Either extremely painful or extreme pain, but not extremely pain.
2012-07-27 9:21 pm
toming88: 哈哈,英文有冇咁嘅講法㗎?唔好老點喎。

2012-07-27 13:22:07 補充:
2012-07-27 8:06 pm
He felt a sharp pain until at same time urine passing.
2012-07-27 1:08 pm
I am not that knowledgeable so I have never heard of anything like this.
But to describe pain, you could say:

extremely pain (極度痛)
incredibly pain (難以置信的痛)

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