這句沒有in 又得嗎?

2012-07-24 4:05 am
這句沒有in 又得嗎?

He has a house to live in.
He has a house to live.

回答 (4)

2012-07-27 12:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
You cannot omit 'in' in this sentence!

Since grammatical rules stated the to-infinitive in this case should delete the object if it that object has appeared before.

That means:He has a house to live in (the house). (the house:omitted!!!)

But if you have deleted "in",the verb 'live' will become a transitive verb rather than the intransitive verb and a grammar mistake will appear in your sentence!

Hope I can help you :)

2012-07-26 16:15:59 補充:
Sorry, the correct one is "if that object has appeared before." rather than " if it that object has appeared before.":)
2012-07-24 10:15 pm
To state a purpose:

He has a house for accommodation.
He has a house for rent.
He has a car for sale.

2012-07-24 14:15:43 補充:
He has a house for accommodation.
He has a house where he could live.
2012-07-24 7:04 pm
He has a house to live in.- correct

He has a house to live. = not correct but people understand what you say

He has a house = better .
2012-07-24 8:13 am

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