What qualities in a person would make people want to spend time with them?

2012-07-22 9:25 pm

回答 (6)

2012-07-30 5:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Properly dressed and fed
2012-07-22 9:42 pm
-Good listener
-Good at telling stories
-Polite/well mannered
-Similar interests
-Keeps conversations going
-Intelligent/Politically aware
and a bunch of other stuff
2012-07-22 9:29 pm
A kind person who makes people laugh is enjoyable to be around. Someone who is real and can talk about real things with you. Can make you feel wanted or needed like they actually enjoy your company. Someone with Patience who will listen and give good advice. Someone smart and aware of everything going on.
2012-07-30 8:30 pm
I should think anyone who uses *eye contact, not looking all around half the time, (especially when we ask a question) Also, a person who sounds genuinely interested in us, (*no matter how long that duration) because if they only seemed interested in themselves for very long, most others simply just take off themselves.
參考: This is a critical issue when we meet new persons especially, it's decided withing the first 3 minutes whether we would like to get to know them better or not, noticing there persona, and as well the way they reflect us, as to how important they make us feel, *even comforted conversing with them.
2012-07-22 9:29 pm
Honesty. Being polite. Probably if you had the same likes as other people.
2012-07-22 9:27 pm
Good listener.
2012-07-22 9:27 pm
It depends, when I'm horny I want looks :p
Personality is most important otherwise. I want someone who understand people.

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