would not otherwise be able to

2012-07-21 1:02 am
"There's a wave of people coming online that would not otherwise be able to afford to be there."

1:would not otherwise be able to點解
2: Afford t be there是點解??there 係指咩??

回答 (3)

2012-07-21 1:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. would not otherwise be able to

"otherwise" refers to the opposite or non-existence of a situation that is not mentioned in the sentence. This situation may be a drastic price reduction in internet service with which a lot more people can afford to go on-line.

"Would not otherwise be able to" means that in the opposite of that situation, people would not be able to afford to go on-line.

2. there refers to coming on-line.
2012-07-21 1:55 am
As Seen "would not otherwise be able to" means:-not otherwise
=or otherwise
(1) As mentioned:-
refers to something different from or the opposite of
=if something did not happen,situation were different
=couldn't have afforded
=it'll get too expensive
=committed the cheap internet project
=(a drastic price reduction)
=would be able to
=people can afford to come on web-site on line.

(2)It means have ability to come on web-site on line.

2012-07-21 10:46:45 補充:
Hence (1) would not otherwise=no other method can do it (so cheaply)!(2)Re:-can be integrated on line (so cheaply). There means the subject.
2012-07-21 1:16 am

參考: me

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