這句是否省略了 be ?

2012-07-20 2:04 am
saw + 受詞 + 不定式 / 現在分詞,這是 saw常見的句形,如下列兩句:

I saw him leave the building.
I saw him leaving the building.

但 saw + 受詞 + 過去分詞 的句形好似較罕見,如:They saw the home team beaten. ,我想知這句是否 They saw the home team be beaten. 的簡寫?

回答 (4)

2012-07-22 4:46 am
✔ 最佳答案

以下是Cambridge Dictionary Online舉出的結構並應用

[+ (that)] The teacher could see (that) the children had been fighting.[+ infinitive without to] Jacqui saw the car drive up outside the police station.[+ -ing verb] From the window we could see the children playing in the yard.[+ past participle] His parents saw him awarded the winner's medal.

其他感觀動詞,也有verb+object+ past participle這種結構

而學者Michael Swan就指出,這種結構裏,過去分詞含有被動的意義,如:

I heard my name repeated several times.
Have you ever seen a television thrown through a window?

雖然學者沒有指出這種結構,是否是verb+object+be past particiole將be省略的結果,但相信你的推斷也並沒有錯,因為要表示"動作和事件在進行"的概念時,可以用進行式 (being+過去分詞),如:

As I watched the tree being cut down...

I woke up to hear the bedroom door being opened slowly.

但無論如何,我們只需記住verb + object +past participle這結構,是觀感動詞的結構之下即可!

2012-07-21 1:00 pm
saw + 受詞 + 不定式 / 現在分詞,這是正確的觀念

They saw the home team beaten. ,我想知這句是否 They saw the home team be beaten. 的簡寫,這樣認知是可以的。

2012-07-21 1:37 am
你第二例句的假設差不多對,過去分詞少了的原因是被動詞(home team是被打敗),留意第一組的例句動詞是him的主動。

They saw the home team being beaten.

2012-07-20 11:16 pm
有些動詞後面,是要使用 infinitive 或 gerund.

而 “see” 後面,可以使用 bare infinitive 、也可以使用 gerund.

I saw him leave the building. (leave 是 bare infinitive)
I saw him leaving the building.(leaving 是 gerund)

有些字也會出現同樣的情況,例: hear。

They saw the home team beaten.
是 They saw (that) the home team was beaten. 的另一個寫法。用 phrase 而不使用 clause.

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