have ,was 英文隱喻修辭法?

2012-07-16 7:36 am
His speech was a powerful spur to action.

文中用was替代had代表 "有" 的意思,有人答我是一種隱喻修辭法,但我想問咩情況下先會用呢種修辭法??又有咩用??

回答 (1)

2012-07-16 8:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
The use of "was", not "had" is a purely grammatical issue and has nothing to do with 隱喻修辭法.

It is the use of such phrase as "powerful spur to action" that involves metaphor. The writer equates a speech to a spur. The spur is a metaphor for a powerful speech that urges people to take some kind of action.

2012-07-16 00:50:57 補充:
Ref: http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=7012071400751

2012-07-16 00:51:58 補充:
His speech was a great encouragement. (noun)
His speech was very encouraging. (adjective)
His speech had an encouraging effect.

2012-07-16 00:55:22 補充:
In the first two sentenses above, a complement follows the verb. The complement, a noun or an adjective, describes what the subject is.

In the third sentense, the object (a noun phrase) is what the subject produces. As such, the use of "had" is correct.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 21:30:28
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