有人話 in 是多餘,刪去才對,你們同意嗎?

2012-07-15 6:30 am
It was in Bristol where the film was made. 是否錯文法?
有人話 in 是多餘,刪去才對,你們同意嗎?

回答 (5)

2012-07-15 8:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
Following is an example taken from the Oxford dictionary.

Where - adverb
used after words or phrases that refer to a place or situation to mean "at, in or to which".
e.g. It's one of the few countries where people drive on the left.

If relative pronoun (which, that, who) is used in the above sentence instead of the relative adverb (where), we cannot omit the preposition "in".

It was in Bristol which / that the film was made. (correct in grammar)

However, in a cleft sentence construction, people tend to
put the preposition in the relative clause instead of the main clause.

It was Bristol in which the film was made.
It was Bristol that the film was made in.

2012-07-15 01:04:56 補充:
It was in Bristol where the film was made.
in 是多餘,刪去才對!

2012-07-15 09:30:07 補充:
The film was made in a studio in Bristol.

It was a studio in Bristol where the film was made. (where is adverb)

This was where the film was made. (where is conjunction, = a studio which is in Bristol)
2012-07-18 5:30 am
That you use a ruler correct;
Use a ruler where you need to also correct.
2012-07-15 10:52 pm
It was in Britstol that the film was made.

"that", not "where" should be used in this construction.

2012-07-15 14:53:35 補充:
The film was made in Bristol.

To empahsize Bristol, the city, it should be written as

It was Bristol where the film was made.

2012-07-15 15:10:40 補充:
"It is/was ... that ..." is a common construction to express reasons, consequences, etc.

2012-07-15 15:47:35 補充:
Some other examples:

Use a ruler where you need to draw a straight line.
It is on/when drawing a straight line that you use a ruler. (use of "where" does not make sense)
2012-07-15 2:40 pm
It was in Bristol where the film was made.- the 'where' may be a studio which is in Bristol.
It was Bristol where the film was made.- here 'where' means 'what city'
2012-07-15 7:12 am


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