
2012-07-09 6:08 am

I do not like anyone interfering.
I do not like anyone to interfere.

回答 (3)

2012-07-11 8:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes, there are differences in the meaning and usage of the two sentences.

I do not like anyone interfering.
This sentence refers to a general situation. For example, I do like not like anyone interfering when I am playing chess. Any time I am playing chess, I do not like anyone to interfere.

I do not like anyone to interfere.
You are talking about a particular situation. For example, I do not like anyone to interfere during this afternoon's meeting.

With a to-infinitive after like, you are talking about some event which is likely or possible to occur, or about which there is an intention for so doing. With a gerund after like, a general situation is implied.
2012-07-09 4:27 pm

I do not like anyone interfering.=(那人在對你干預中,而你才開口說.)

I do not like anyone to interfere.=(那人想去干預而未行動,而你先作出警告.)
2012-07-09 7:51 am
例如: I like running. 和 I like to run. 意思都是一樣的,都是解作「我喜歡跑步。」

I do not like anyone interfering. 我不喜歡任何人妨礙。
I do not like anyone to interfere. 我不喜歡任何人妨礙。
參考: 我..希望幫到你=]

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