了解英文文化者請入 (續)

2012-06-17 8:56 pm
除了可以說 try your best外,我還想知以下哪種說法才正確?為甚麼?

Try your best trial.
Try your best try.
Try your best trying.

回答 (4)

2012-06-19 2:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
None of your options is correct because "to try one's best" is a common phrase which can be seen in dictionaries.

2012-06-18 18:43:35 補充:
At best, you can only use other phrases to replace "try your best".

e.g. push your envelope.
2012-06-19 6:06 pm

2012-06-20 10:02:28 補充:
Thank you very much.
2012-06-18 7:23 am
Make it simple
Make it good
Make it right
make it suret
參考: Try your best as simple as possible
2012-06-18 2:14 am
None of the three is correct. The last word in each of the sentences is redundant.

2012-06-20 00:44:01 補充:
The noun is effort.
You can say "Try with your best effort."
Best in "Try your best" can be considered a noun.
I think "Try your best effort" is acceptable.

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