Relative clause !

2012-06-16 3:19 am
Rewrite the sentence in the form of Relative clause.

The activity contains three parts. They were the video show, a quiz competition and a charade.

阿sir話系The activity contains three parts which were the video show, a quiz competition and a charade.(DEFINING)

點解5可以用The activity contains three parts, which were the video show, a quiz competition and a charade.(NON-DEFINING)???

回答 (5)

2012-06-16 4:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
The activity contains three parts. They were the video show, a quiz competition and a charade.

The activity contains three parts which were the video show, a quiz competition and a charade.(DEFINING) =限定式關係子句
由 The + 名詞作主語 subject, 要用 defining clause = which /who 前 不可用逗號。

點解5可以用The activity contains three parts, which were the video show, a quiz competition and a charade. ?
主語subject 是 The.................後面的which/who 不能用逗號, 否則文法錯誤, 意思大混亂了。請緊記文法規則。
which/ who 前加逗號= non defining clause , 表示一些附加資料或可有可無的資料。E.g. John, who is my friend, is very rich.
John is very rich. 最重要; who is my friend = 可有可無的附加寅料
The book which is on the table belongs to the teacher.
限定子句, 不可有逗號
2012-06-17 8:14 am
The sentences the teacher set for relative clause exercise are very BAD examples of relative clause.

The sentences should not be changed using relative clause at all.

2012-06-17 00:15:47 補充:
The activity contains three parts, namely, the video show, a quiz competition and a charade.

That is how the sentences should be combined.

2012-06-17 11:42:44 補充:
Ms Wong gets us to do the reading aloud practice . I have done the reading aloud practice since primary school.

Non-defining clause must be used.

Ms Wong gets us to do the reading aloud practice, which I have done since primary school.

2012-06-17 18:24:19 補充:
As its name suggests, defining relative clause is used when the clause defines the noun.

If there are two kinds of reading aloud practice, one you have done before and one you have not, then you should use defining relative clause.

2012-06-17 18:26:56 補充:
It seems that there is only one kind of reading aloud practice. Whatever information you give in the relative clause does not serve to define it. Therefore, non-defining relative clause should be used.

2012-06-17 18:30:21 補充:
The fashion show which is organized by the student Union is scheduled on May 20.

The fashion show, which is organized by the student Union, is scheduled on May 20.

Both are correct depending on the purpose of the relative clause.

2012-06-17 18:32:33 補充:
In the first sentence, the relative clause tells you which fashion show is sscheduled on May 20.

In the second sentence, the relative clause gives extra information on the fashion show that you already know about.
2012-06-16 5:36 am
What "Stupid pig" said is wrong!He explains non-def-re-cl with the defining!
--What is a "charade" Ren?
Ms Wong gets us to do"the reading aloud practice"which I've done .......Adv cl of reason.
Defining relative cl eg:-The waiter(Main cl) who served us was(main cl)v.rude&impatient. provides readers(Ren) with essential info.If you remove it,then no one will understand what you are talking about(Chinglish) because vague,because no Nos.1,2,and 3.;hence three parts be used "defining"eg:-They were (1)the video show,(2)a quiz competition and (3)masquerade charade?(=Defining)=(Defining cl=which/who/which were/!)

Non-Defining Rel-Cl provides readers(Ren) with unimportant,extra,supplementary, or adjective info.only.It can stand alone as a complete sentence.
Q:-Why5 not use Non-Defin Rel cl?
A:-After subject,The ......which/who can't use comma(,) = Defining
---If Which/Who use comma (,) = non defining=unimportant,who is my friend, is very rich.
----Then,who is my friend, =non-defining cl
----who is my friend = unimportant info(to an Englishman) in this sentence.

2012-06-16 19:45:19 補充:
The fashion show,
schduled on May 20,---added extra info about fashion show,adj cl,
is organised by Student Union.
參考: google English translation website.
2012-06-16 4:25 am
Ms Wong gets us to do the reading aloud practice . I have done the reading aloud practice since primary school.

這句同樣地,要形容的是the reading aloud practice,不能用defining,所以答案是:Ms Wong gets us to do the reading aloud practice which I have done since primary school.


2012-06-15 20:27:31 補充:
* defining-> comma

2012-06-15 23:36:14 補充:
Another question,

The fashion show is organized by the student Union. It is scheduled on May 20.

For this statement, should we use defining or non-defining clause to describe it?
If non-defining clause is used, why ? Comma should not be used to describe the subj." The fashion show"....

2012-06-17 13:48:12 補充:
1 個話用Non-defining1個又話用defining

2012-06-16 4:13 am
Non-defining relative clause :只是用作對名詞添加額外的資料, 有與無, 都不會對整個句子的意思有不明確或混淆的情形。(It contains the essential information.
If you remove it, no one will understand what you are talking about because the meaning in the sentence is too vague.)

Defining relative clause : 用作對名詞提供重要資料 (It provides readers with unimportant ,extra or interesting information only. The sentence can stand alone as a complete sentence.)

three parts----> 要用defining因為 你就咁講,人地唔知你係指咩野既 three parts

They were the video show, a quiz competition and a charade係重要既資料黎架,係去解釋three parts係咩,唔係 作為補充資料~
參考: me>

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