Now that we are breaking up,(baby daddy) he understands he needs to move out. He's never lived on his own,?

2012-06-05 10:13 pm
but he can't stay with me because he's a 4 year cheater. How do i make him get out cause I know he thinks I'm joking without a big fight?

回答 (5)

2012-06-06 1:17 am
I had a boyfriend once, we were together for 5 years, that I had to relocate! He didn't get the point regardless either. He just didn't get the point. I got him a cheap apartment that only wanted first and deposit, I went to the thrift stores and bought beat up kitchen stuff and a little furniture, I packed his stuff, I drove him to his new digs, I gave him the key, and wished him well. finis. No reason to come back knocking on my door. that was pretty darn final and it cost me a little bit of money but it worked. By the time that month was out he'd secured a way to pay his next month's rent and was out of my life.

Years later, about 12 years later, he turned into the sort of man I knew he would be. But the years in between were hell for him and every woman around him. I considered my money well spent.

Life happens.
2012-06-05 10:21 pm
Don't you have a brother, father, uncle or otherwise more mature person, social worker who can tell him he must leave? m
參考: If you cannot talk to him, find someone who can, (and people wonder why there is*so much domestic violence? The ages of everyone her matters too. *Dose he have any family at all?i
2012-06-05 10:19 pm
Tell him that he needs to start looking for a place. Then go down and talk to the county atty. and ask what you need to do to get him out legally. If both of your names are on the lease then go talk to the landlord and ask them to take his name off of it, don't know if this can be done with out his say so, but anything is worth a try.
2012-06-05 10:17 pm
If you own the place and he refuses to leave call the cops. If you dont own the place you cant make him, you will have to move out. Unless you make up some crazy rape story and then call the cops.
2012-06-05 10:16 pm
When he is at work, put all he stuff out and have the locks changed.

Lock up tight and leave for the night if you think he will stay there and harrass you.

Unless he plans to sleep on the lawn, he will go away. He might come back later, but it will be up to you if you let him in.

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