stir 同 whisk

2012-05-01 11:36 pm
stir 同 whisk 有咩分別??


回答 (3)

2012-05-03 7:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
stir: move in circular, horizontal motion.

whisk: whip in rapid up/down motion.
2012-05-11 6:00 am
Stir 係攪, whisk 係 "發" (例如: "發" 蛋)

你用中文諗會易明好多, Whisk 係大力D, 快D
2012-05-10 1:26 pm
If you whisk something such as eggs or cream, you stir it very fast, often with an electric device, so that it becomes full of small bubbles. (into froth)
e.g. whisk eggs 打蛋成泡沫

2012-05-10 05:27:47 補充:
If you stir a liquid or other substance, you move it around or mix it in a container using something such as a spoon or stick, usually slowly ~ just mixing things together.
e.g. stir a drink with a spoon, stir the paint with a stick

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