最快都要 英文點講?

2012-04-09 8:27 pm
姐係好似 我最快都要今晚先整到比你w0w 既英文

暫時我覺得回答001 前半部 同 意見001 for.... 加埋最fit

回答 (6)

2012-04-13 10:10 pm
意見 001, at the earliest 是最貼切答案。
2012-04-13 8:19 am
I shall give that to you as soon as possible within tonight (wow) .
2012-04-10 7:09 am
I can only make it for you as soon as tonight. (I hope it seems reasonable...)
2012-04-10 5:27 am
I can only have it made (get it done) for you by tonight at the earliest.
2012-04-10 2:11 am
The soonest I can have information ready for you will be tongiht.
2012-04-09 11:57 pm
最快都要 英文點講? no sooner than
I can give you my work no sooner than (tomorrow, Tuesday ?)

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