
2012-03-29 7:14 pm


回答 (9)

2012-03-31 3:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案

2012-03-29 14:44:20 補充:

2012-03-30 11:58:42 補充:

2012-03-31 07:04:40 補充:
本人吳XX,乃某年某月某日港龍 KA761 的乘客。當天那班飛機嚴重延誤(見貴公司出的延誤證明 ),再加上行李處理出錯,粗魯,使我的行李不但延誤收到,而且內外都有損壞,茲向貴公司索償下面我因這事故受到的損失。
1. 額外的膳食費;見附件。
2. 香港停車場超時的泊車費。見附件。
3. 行李箱的修理費。見附件。
4. 打破了的茶葉禮包和壓壞了的鮮花。價錢見附件。





2012-03-31 08:59:44 補充:
Garlic 你講得無錯,不過吾會是吳老板,寫D咁嘅信都要搵下屬的人,點會搵律師寫信,哈哈。

2012-03-31 11:02:39 補充:
如果你執意要用英文的話,我建意你找 garlic, kill my baby, bad apple 或 eicachan 幫你翻譯一下,那你到時可以中英都寄,看看港龍是用中文還是英文回你。如何?

2012-04-01 07:17:03 補充:
Most travel insurance only covers life or sickness. Insurances to covers miscellaneous lost caused by delay ? I wonder.
2012-04-01 8:08 pm

呢封應該係formal letter
點會用Hello my boss
2012-04-01 3:09 pm
2012-03-31 11:00 pm
2012-03-30 12:18 pm
Hello. My boss xxx was originally taking the 港龍KA761 flight back to Hong Kong. Due to a mechanical failure, the flight was delayed, causing extra airport meal fees and overtime parking fees. In addition, there was chaos in the arrangment of the luggages, leading to losing his luggage. The airline has arranged the luggage to be sent back to the owner, but the flowers and tea leaves inside turned bad. It was only last week that the airline sent a proof of delay. We are now claiming the airline for our loss. Please view the attachment for the luggage damage and repairment information.
2012-03-30 11:29 am


2012-03-31 05:41:03 補充:
由其他人出面投訴,有,律師 law。
2012-03-30 1:50 am
Hello,My boss he was return to Hong Kong on Dragonair flight KA761, flight delay due to mechanical failure, and thus lead to additional meal cost at the airport, parking lot parking overtime costs in Hong Kong. Company baggage cause confusion and flights, baggage loss, airline arrangements after the return, but luggage damage, flowers and tea leaves to rot in the luggage. Received flights only last week the company send us proof of flight delays. Are claiming compensation from the airline of our loss. Please see annex baggage damage and repair data.
參考: 自己
2012-03-29 9:05 pm
How do you do. My boss he was return to Hong Kong on Dragonair flight KA761, flight delay due to mechanical failure, and thus lead to additional meal cost at the airport, parking lot parking overtime costs in Hong Kong. Company baggage cause confusion and flights, baggage loss, airline arrangements after the return, but luggage damage, flowers and tea leaves to rot in the luggage. Received flights only last week the company send us proof of flight delays. Are claiming compensation from the airline of our loss. Please see annex baggage damage and repair data.
2012-03-29 8:16 pm
Hello.My boss, Mr. Wu was originally to take Dragonair KA761 flight back to Hong Kong, due to flight delays of mechanical failure, and therefore result in additional airport meals, Hong Kong parking overtime parking fee. Confusion, baggage and flight company arrangements had lost luggage, airlines to back to, but the trunk is damaged, rotten flowers and tea in the luggage. Last week to receive a flight sent by flight delays prove. Now claim our losses to the airline. Please view the attachment baggage damage and repair information.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:35:39
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