
2012-03-18 9:28 am

i will be there
at six o'clock
with my mother
on sunday afternoon


i will be there with my mother at six o'clock on sunday afternoon
i will be there at six o'clock with my mother on sunday afternoon
i will be there on sunday afternoon with my mother at six o'clock

其實一個句子可以好短亦可以好長.但是我想問一下是不是英文句子都有分節來決定最先放哪句短句及最後才放哪句短句嗎?因為我很混亂.到底i will be there之後應該接"人"先,還是"時間"先,還是"日期"先?其實在長的句子中.片語與片語之間是不是也有一些銜接規則?

回答 (4)

2012-03-18 10:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你這裡有四個片語,按排列組合應有 4!= 24 個可能。隨便那一個它們文法上都對,而且也不會被誤解。只是有一些組合很少很少會被人用而已。

I, my mother 放在一起
Sunday afternoon, six o'clock 放在一起,
I will be there with my mother at six o'clock on Sunday afternoon

I will be there with my mother 應簡化成
My mother and I will be there
at six o'clock on Sunday afternoon 也應該簡化成
Sunday afternoon at six o'clock. 所以比較好的說法是

My mother and I will be there at six o'clock Sunday afternoon.

2012-03-18 14:48:02 補充:
six o'clock Sunday afternoon 可以換成 Sunday afternoon at six o'clock
也可以將時間放在前面,人物放在後面,惟一不能變的是 My mother and I 的順序,這是文法的規定。


2012-03-18 15:58:50 補充:
Good question. They should be the same, except
"thank" is positive thinking, "blame" is negative. Ha Ha
Thank you for your comment.
2012-03-21 5:19 am
2012-03-18 11:30 pm
Should we thank God for the Tower of Babel, or should we blame our fathers?
2012-03-18 4:21 pm
第一題最妥當 :
I will be there with my mother 我將會和母親在那裡 (人物行先)
at six o'clock on sunday 在星期天的六時 (時刻第二)
afternoon.( 時段=ADV擺在最後)

以下出現尷尬情況 :
I will be there at six o'clock我將會六時在那裡
with my mother on sunday 星期天和母親(不是我和母親) afternoon.中午.
向左解說是six o'clock with my mother母親和六時一起(不是我和母親)

I will be there on sunday我將會在星期天
afternoon with my mother 中午和母親一起(不是我和母親)
at six o'clock.六時.
向右解說是with my mother at six o'clock.六時和母親一起(不是我和母親)..

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