
2012-03-07 9:19 am
麻煩幫忙睇一睇這句子有否grammar錯誤。THX !

The recent survey of how students see themselves in terms of intellectual ability, happiness, anxiety and popularity arranged by a youth magazine expose that...............

個arranged用來指survey, 中間夾雜著of........ 正確嗎?

回答 (3)

2012-03-07 11:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
句子有以下 highlight 的修改

The recent survey on how students see themselves in terms of intellectual ability, happiness, anxiety and popularity arranged by a youth magazine exposed that...............

The recent survey arranged by a youth magazine exposed that ...

The recent survey 是主詞 (subject)
exposed 動詞 (verb)
arranged by 過去分詞形容 survey (past participle to qualify survey)

The recent survey on how students see themselves arranged by a youth magazine exposed that...

中間夾著都是正確,不過 in terms of 是一起的
in terms of something 中文意思是「以甚麼來衡量」

由一本年青人雜誌所做關於學生從智能、快樂、焦慮、受歡迎程度幾方面看自己的調查發現 ....

2012-03-07 03:07:16 補充:
The recent survey 應是 A recent survey
2012-03-07 5:22 pm
The recent survey arranged by a youth magazine had shown how students see themselves relating to intellectual ability, happiness, anxiety and popularity.
2012-03-07 4:45 pm
Normally we 'conduct', not arrange, a survey.

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