英文句構問題unreal past

2012-03-07 3:20 am
It is time our school placed for more emphasis on sports and PE.
Thx a lot!

Godfrey: 咁It is time for our school to place 同 It is time our school placed有乜分別? 仲有你個例子, If only I had more time. If only可以點用嫁

回答 (3)

2012-03-07 11:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is time our school placed for more emphasis on sports and PE.

這句子裡的 placed 是 past tense, 不是past participle. (過去分詞)

The school placed for more emphasis on sports and PE. ~ active voice (placed – past tense)
The school was placed for more emphasis on sports and PE. ~ passive voice (placed – past participle) 這句子是錯


You can say "it's time (for someone) to do something":
It's time to go home.
It's time for us to go home.

There is another structure: It's time someone did something:
It's nearly midnight. It's time we went home.

We use the past (went) after It's time ....... but the meaning is present or future, not past:

We use the structure It's time someone did something especially when we are complaining or criticizing, or when we think someone should have already done something:
It's time the children were in bed. It's long past their bedtime.
(The children are not in bed. They should be)

We also say "It's high time" or "It's about time" someone did something. This makes the complaint or criticism stronger:

It's about time you did some studying for your exams.
You're very selfish. It's high time you realized that you're not the most important person in the world.

In grammar, this is called “unreal” past. After a number of expressions, like if only, wish … it’s time.., we use past tense [active and passive] to describe things in the present or future which are imagined or unreal. We refer to this use of past tenses as the ‘unreal past’.

It’s time they were forced to clear up the mess. (They are not being forced to clear up the mess at the moment.)
If only I had more time. (had – past tense, but the meaning is present)
I wish I had more time. (had – past tense, but the meaning is present)

2012-03-09 03:18:44 補充:
To 發問者:Lun:
在這裡不夠 space回答你補充問題.已email給你
參考: Grammar in Use ~ Murphy
2012-03-07 11:24 am
Good answer by Godfrey.

Just one note:
The word "for" should not be in the sentence.
It is time our school placed more emphasis on sports and PE.
2012-03-07 3:47 am
其實個placed係過去分詞 英文叫past participle 並唔係英文時態上的解釋
There were many people killed by a man with mental illness
其中個killed係咪看似過去式 其他佢係過去分詞 有被動的意思
參考: self~~~

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