
2012-03-06 8:07 pm

"2004年11月建成的CrystalChapel, 位於Nikko Guam Hotel。顏色以代表純潔的白色作主調,配以寶藍色透明玻璃窗,倍添高貴。Crystal Chapel位於杜夢灣北側的岬角,坐擁270度的絕色海景。在藍天與碧海之間為對方許下一生的承諾,更為完美。"

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2012-03-07 12:09 am
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Crystal Chapel

"2004年11月建成的CrystalChapel, 位於Nikko Guam Hotel。顏色以代表純潔的白色作主調,配以寶藍色透明玻璃窗,倍添高貴。Crystal Chapel位於杜夢灣北側的岬角,坐擁270度的絕色海景。在藍天與碧海之間為對方許下一生的承諾,更為完美。"
Crystal Chapel, completed in November 2004, is located at Hotel Nikko Guam. Its colour scheme of white represents chastity, and the matching Prussian blue clear glass windows magnify its nobility. Located in the headland on the northern side of Tumon Bay, Crystal Chapel has a 270 degree panoramic view of the sea. Here, giving the wedding vow of love to each other amid the blue sky and sea will perfect the lifetime commitment.

2012-03-06 16:21:19 補充:

2012-03-07 05:22:56 補充:
I am humbled.
2012-03-07 11:38 am
I agree. The translation rocks.
2012-03-07 7:17 am
I recommend Nikko Guam Hotel to hire eicachan to be their business promotion manager.
2012-03-07 12:00 am
Completed in November 2004, the Crystal Chapel, inside Nikko Guam Hote, uses white as the theme colour representing purity, ascents elegantly with sapphire stained glass windows. It is located at the northern cape of Tumon Bay. With 270-degree magnificent sea view, it is a perfect spot to exchange vows for life surrounded by blue sky and green ocean.
2012-03-06 10:48 pm
Crystal Chapel, accomplishes on November 2004, is situated in Nikko Guam Hotel, is a luxury site with pearl white as prime decorations, and transparent jewelery blue for surrounding glasses ,as well as its impeccable seascape. Making a promise to your half between spectacular sky and scenic sea is absolutely marvelous.
參考: Give me stars if you like~~~
2012-03-06 9:41 pm
A translation from the web-site.
The Crystal Chapel at Nikko Guam Hotel is built on Nov. 2004.
The main colour is authentic white embroidered with Prussian blue glass-panes that adds a touch of elegant.
Crystal Chapel is situated by the north side cape of the Dream Bay Beach.
It occupies a 270 degrees splendid seaview. which is so graceful and noble for the life-pledge for her under the blue sky and the sea port.

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