English exercise

2012-03-02 7:50 am
Before my flight home I had a few hours to kill and I checked-in using the automatic service. The price was very reasonable and I was very impressed with the stylish interior of the rooms. I would recommend it to anyone who finds themselves waiting for a flight and doesn't have a problem with small spaces.

Incredible what they can fit into seven square metres! A chance to shower and slep off the jetlag after my overnight flight from New York. And good the other way, too. Many short-hop flights from continental Europe arrive in the UK late in the afternoon, leaving you stranded until the next day's flight to the U.S.

This is great for airports where passengers have to change planes and perhaps wait for eight hours. It's certainly more comfortable than stretching out on a couch in the departure lounge. No windows but it's quite and private, and within walking distance of the terminal building.

Find words and phrases in the above which mean the same as the following.
alying down -> stretching out
bhad nothing to do for a few hours -> ??
chaving to wait without anything to do -> ??
dthe opposite of 'long-haul flights' -> ??
enot expensive -> ??

回答 (1)

2012-03-02 11:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
b) had nothing to do for a few hours -> had a few hours to kill

c) having to wait without anything to do -> leaving you stranded

d) the opposite of 'long-haul flights' -> short-hop flights

e) not expensive -> the price was reasonable

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 09:42:30
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