改 句子grammar !thanks

2012-03-01 7:09 pm
1. 想表達是 [提議起(任何時候的)情人節播Titanic]
For example,at Valentine's Day , the club can play the film 'Titantic'.

(用at定on比較合適?或其他? at 後面可加什麼字)

2. Drama Club members can act the movies .

(act 後面要加上out ? )

3. Including some students who always stay at home .


回答 (2)

2012-03-01 9:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(1) On Valentine's Day,eg, the club can play the film "Titanic".(Rearrangement)
(2)Drama Club members can act a role in the movies.(not out).
(3)------------including some students who stay at home,etc (use who in the phrase).
(4)It is said that teenagers are easy to stay away from their parents.(The introductory subject added).
2012-03-02 12:20 am

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