
2012-02-29 2:24 am
1. There is no stopping him . ( him 點解可以放最後? 句子意思係 ? 每個字的性質係?例如v,adj )

2. You are to blame = you are blaming ?

3. I suggest all the parents should spare some time every day to chat with their teenager . ( time和teenager後點解唔加S ?)

4. Teenagers easy stay away from their parents . (easy 後不可加上to?)

回答 (1)

2012-02-29 10:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. stopping 係 gerund, 動名詞,動名詞後可以有受詞 (object)。
no stopping him 是個 noun phrase,名詞片語。

There is no stopping him (from doing something). 沒有方法可以阻止他。

"doing something" 可能之前提過所以在這句中省去。

There is no way to stop him (from doing something).

2. You are to blame = You are responsible for causing something bad to happen.
You are to blame = 係你既錯

You are blaming (the incident on somebody/something) = 你認為(某人/某事)要為事件負責。

3. some time = 一些時間 (10 minutes, 1 hours, 2 days, etc)
time 在句中是不可數名詞,不能加 s。

There are times when you feel you need a friend.
這句中 times 不是解時間,而是時候 (occasions, situations, etc),就可以加 s。

這句中的 teenager 應要有 s,teenagers 才對。

4 句子文法有錯,應修改如下:
Teenagers easily stay away from their parents. (stay: verb)
It is easy for teenagers to stay away from their parents.

Teenagers are easy to stay away from their parents.

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