
2012-02-24 8:05 pm
1. The lighting fixture must be plus diffuser, lest lay waste to lighting fixture. 此燈盤需要在外面加裝鐵罩,以免受外來的撞擊而損毀(如球類)。價錢相對較高。2. You can also save the information in Department of Facilities Management. 貴公司亦可把資料存放在設備管理部,有需要時才與本公司聯絡。3. We shall give you good benefits and customer-centered services. 本公司會給予您們最好的優惠和體貼的服務。4. The successful tenderer will be submitted the related document. 中標者才須遞交有關文件。5. Environmental Protection & Energy Saving is continually implemented. 環保和節能是要一直做的。6. Environmental protection would create new situation in the future. 環保會令未來開創一個嶄新局面。7. You should manage finances, you don’t compare with others. 理財要小心,不要胡亂跟從別人或爭鬥。8. We should choose eco trading in order to better environment. 採用綠色貿易會讓環境變得舒適一點9. Corporation needs foresight and wisdom. 企業發展要有遠見和智慧10. Utilization of infinite renewable energy再生能源無窮無盡地使用的

回答 (2)

2012-02-24 10:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
[英文詞意思註解:diffuser是散射罩, lay waste是頹垣敗瓦或切底破壞或毁減淨盡]
所以用錯這些詞了The lighting fixture must be equipped with protective screen or grating to prevent from damage by foreign objects (e.g. balls). So the price is higher. 2.
You may also keep the information in the Department of Facilities Management (這種寫法格式只用於政府的行政部門,一般公司的只會寫為the Facilities Management Department) You may contact us whenever you require access to the information.3.
[要看中文的優惠實質是甚麼才可寫成英文=bulk discount(大量訂購折扣), complementary gifts(贈品), low price guaranteed(比同行價低的保證), life-time warranty(終生保證), etc.][customer-centered本身不是錯,只是用於公司產品或服務承諾的條文似乎本末倒置,反直譯為中文是:以顧客為中心的服務,或:顧客為心的服務。而且不是常用的條文用語。]We offers good value for money and customer-oriented services.4.
[will be submitted是被動句式=那些中標者會被提交給相關文件=中標的人/公司會被送往文件(死物)那裏?]Only the successful tenderer will be required to submit the relevant document.按你中文的意思:「只有」成功中標者才須要遞交有關的文件。 5.
用詞無錯,但文法修改,這裏說的是兩樣事物(plural) 並且改為被動式,作為一句statement, adverb放在最後較妥。Environmental Protection & Energy Saving are to be implemented continually.如果是一句instruction命題或命令句強調「要」Environmental Protection & Energy Saving must continually be implemented.6.
[situation是一種情況或一種狀況,這詞不太合適用於太宏大的處境或社會環境或文化等,要看你所指的局面是甚麼?]Environmental protection would create a new era in the future.
[中文跟英文不對稱]按中文寫法是敬告的命令句:Be careful with your personal finances, don’t compete or follow others’s action racknessly.按英文句修改的評論句You should manage your own finances, you don’t need to compete or follow others racknessly.8.
We should choose eco trading in order to improve the “natural”environment.9.
[foresight不是遠見,是預見,即是中文的洞察力或先見之明的意思]Corporation needs vision and wisdom.[Vision今天已經用於企業的遠景或願景名詞,個人用法上亦可指夢想/理想]10.
這不是一完整句子,只是一句fragment片句Utilization of renewable energy is infinite.
參考: 修改未必全備無誤,只供參考。
2012-02-25 8:55 am
1. To prevent from damage
should be
to protect it from damage

2012-02-25 00:57:23 補充:
or simply

to prevent damage by foreign objects

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