
2012-02-21 7:24 am











12.如果我生命的旅程到今夜為止,我也可以問心無愧地視死如歸。 ──《最後一案》

13.由於我的存在,倫敦的空氣得以清新。在我辦的一千多件案子裡,我相信,我從未把我的力量用錯了地方。 ──《最後一案》

14.我不太喜歡研究我們的社會的那些淺薄的問題,那是由我們人為的社會狀態造成的,卻更喜歡研究大自然提出的問題。 ──《最後一案》

15.有一天,當我把那位歐洲最危險而又最有能耐的罪犯捕獲或消滅的時候,我的偵探生涯也就告終了,而你的回憶錄也可以收尾了。 ──《最後一案》

16.推理法可能被推理學者們逐步樹立為一門精密的學科。 ──《海軍協定》

17.那些追求物質、官位和世俗享受的人都延長了他們無價值的生命,而追求精神價值的人則不願違背更高的召喚。結果是最不適者的生存,這樣一來,世界豈不變成了污水池嗎? ──《爬行人》

18.人民的呼聲便是上帝的呼聲。 ──《格蘭其莊園》


20.對邏輯學家來說,一切事物應當是什麼樣就是什麼樣,對自己估價過低和誇大自己的才能一樣都是違背真理的。 ──《希臘議員》

21.不要讓一個人的特質影響你的判斷能力,這是最重要的。 ──《四簽名──演繹法的研究》

22.我們追求,我們想抓住。可最後我們手中剩下什麼東西呢?一個幻影,或者比幻影更糟──痛苦。 ──《退休的顏料商》23.如果能讓你確實消滅,為了大眾的利益,我很樂意犧牲自己──《最後一案》

google d翻譯好似有d怪怪地咁,所以我先唔自己翻譯炸,你明唔明姐

回答 (2)

2012-02-21 9:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.The whole life is like a huge chain, whenever you see a part of them, the entire chain of circumstances can be inferred out.

2.Interpretation and analysis of scientific, like all other skills to master, and only after long-term studies, although people do their life energy, also unfinished to reach the point of perfection.

3.Three abnormal signs tend to be a guide rather than obstacles.

4.I never guess that this is a very bad habit enough to undermine the logic of reasoning.

5. For an ideal reasoning, once to indicate the fact that one aspect, he can this regard not only infer the cause of the fact that all aspects of, and be able to infer that all the consequences arising therefrom.

6.I will first focus is always a woman's sleeve. See a man, perhaps the first to observe the knee of his pants.

7.When you have eliminated the impossible factors, the remaining things, despite how impossible it must be true.

8.Based on inadequate material is always very dangerous reasoning.

9.Nothing more than the obvious fact people fooled.

10 a trivial matter the more unusual exotic, the more worthy of careful study, and it seems to make a point of the complexity of the case, appropriate thinking and scientific processing on the most likely to be clarified.

11 can not resolve the case is just the sort of bland cases.

12 If the journey of my life until tonight, I can also with a clear conscience unafraid of death.

2012-02-21 13:34:28 補充:
13 due to my presence, London's air to be fresh. In more than a thousand cases I do, I believe, I have never in my power the wrong place.

14 I do not like to study the superficial problems of our society, it is caused by our artificial state of society, but more like the issues raised by the study.

2012-02-21 13:35:50 補充:
14 I do not like to study the superficial problems of our society, it is caused by our artificial state of society, but more like the issues raised by the study of nature.
參考: google, google, google
2012-02-21 9:06 am
Buy or borrow the complete Sherlock Holmes collection and get the original text by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

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