抱殘守缺meaning is what

2012-02-17 6:42 am

回答 (5)

2012-02-17 9:42 am
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Stick to unsound, fallacious, incorrect, invalid, false, outdated ideas/methods/beliefs/ways of doing things.
2012-02-17 4:50 pm

~ 抱著殘缺陳舊的東西, 捨不得扔下.形容思想保守不放,不求改進,不能與時俱進

~ very conservative, stick rigidly to ancient ways and things;
dislike changes or new ideas; have misgivings about innovation
2012-02-17 11:04 am
抱殘守缺 is unwilling to change
2012-02-17 8:28 am
2012-02-17 7:09 am
An attempt for one meaning is:-
(1) Old people are in their old-fashioned battered and worn-out morals.

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