Write e-mail

2012-02-10 6:13 am
When Francis got back to the office, he tried to phone Helena but couldn't get through. He decided to send an e-mail. Write his e-mail using the prompts below.

answer / your e-mail / July 21t / checked / correspondence / you / right / apologise / mistake
spoken / production department / they / giving / order / top priority
as a result / confirm / delivery date / August 20
once again / please accept / apologies
best wishes

回答 (4)

2012-02-10 3:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Sounds like an interesting question, let me give a try below.

Dear Helena,

To answer your email dated July 21, we double checked the records of our correspondence and yes you are right. We have made a mistake and would like to apologize here.

We have spoken to our production department and they will give top priority to your order. As a result, please be confirmed that your order will be delivered to you by August 20.

Once again please accept our apologies.

Best wishes


PS. I have tried to apologize to you in person by phone but was able to get through.
2012-02-10 6:50 pm
but was" unable" to get through
2012-02-10 10:48 am
Because of the lack of information on what had happened between Helena and Francis, I can only fill in the blanks with my own idea.


I am writing to answer your email dated July 21. I have checked our past correspondence and found that you are right about the delivery terms. I sincerely apologize for the mistake.

I have spoken to production department and make sure they are giving your order top priority. As a result, I can confirm with you that the delivery date will be August 20.

Once again, please accept my apologies for the inconvenience caused by our mistake.

Best wishes.


2012-02-10 9:38 am
E-mail: InboxTo: All members of staff From: Jennifer Ranford <[email protected]> Date: 10 February 2012 Subject: E-mail Writing Guidelines
Give the message a subject/title. E-mail messages without a subject may not be opened because of a fear of viruses and especially note that it is very easy to forget to type this important information.
Subject contents
Keep the subject short and clear but avoid such headings as:
‘Good News’, ‘Hello’, ‘Message from Mary’. These headings are common in messages containing viruses. Short but specific headings are needed,Greetings
Start the message with a greeting so as to help create a friendly but business-like tone. The choice of using the other name versus the surname will depend on who you are writing to. If the receiver is more senior to you, or if you are in doubt, it would be safer (particularly in the first communication) to use the person’s surname/family name together with a title,
e.g. Dear Mr Smithson, Dear Ms Stringer.

It is also becoming quite common to write the greeting without a comma,
e.g. Dear Miss Lawson
e.g. Dear KK
Start with a clear indication of what the message is about in the first paragraph.
Give full details in the following paragraph(s).
Make sure that the final paragraph indicates what should happen next.

Any action that you want the reader to do should be clearly described, using politeness phrases. Subordinates should use expressions such as 'Could you...' or ' I would be grateful if...'. Superior staff should also use polite phrases, for example, 'Please...'.
End the message in a polite way. Common endings are:
Yours sincerely, Best regards, Best wishes, Regards,
If you did not put a comma after the greeting at the beginning of the message, then do not put a comma after the ending either,
e.g. Best wishes
e.g. Regards
Please follow these guidelines with all e-mail messages that you send.

Kind regards
Jennifer Ranford
Human Resources Manager

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