Floor speaker既中文係咩?

2012-02-09 6:08 am
英文辯論中,floor speaker既中文係咩?

回答 (2)

2012-02-09 11:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
Floor speaker in a debate

辯論的程序內, 正反方主、副辯論員(speakers)發言後,便是台下觀眾發問時間, 由台下發言者/台下發問者(floor speakers)發問, 台上答辯。( After all four speakers have spoken the debate will be opened to the floor, in which members of the audience will put questions to the teams. )

辯論中,台下發問者是floor speaker較合適的中文叫法,清楚說明他做甚麽。
參考: wikipedia
2012-02-10 12:27 pm
Floor speaker 未必會問問題,發表意見亦可。

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