
2012-02-04 9:06 am
A contributor to Yahoo Knowledge+ wrote "英文越重點越排後".
In "Provide food for the children", the emphasis is on the children.
In "Provide the children with food", the emphasis is on food.

I'd like to ask if "越重點越排後" is a norm in English writing because I do not know of such rules.

回答 (5)

2012-02-04 4:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Only for punch lines. You want people to laugh after they hear the last word, so you surprise people with the last word, which is also the emphasis of the sentence.

For ordinary sentence, I don't think there is such a rule.
2012-02-07 8:12 pm
I agree with 003.

In passive voice, we want to emphasis the object so we move it to the beginning of the sentence.
2012-02-04 9:39 pm
003 is correct. There is no such a hard & fast rule as to the emphasis is always at the end of a sentence.

[ In oral English, an emphasis is made by stressing a particular word, but sometimes this is difficult for a non-native speaker to notice. ]

2012-02-04 13:46:08 補充:
Consider these 2 sentences:
(1) This flower is red.
(2) Red is the colour for this flower.
You can place your tone of voice on any word you wish to stress, not its position in a sentence.
2012-02-04 2:06 pm
I do not agree that 英文越重點越排後. It should be the other way round.

In "Provide food for the children", the emphasis is on 'provide food'.
In "Provide the children with food", the emphasis is on 'provide the children'.

The reason is simple. If I tell you a list of ten items. I bet I will have your full attention on the first three items. Therefore it is most likely that you can remember them and their exact places on the list. It is less likely that you can remember the fifth, sixth and seventh items. Even if you can remember them, it is very unlikely that you could remember their exact places on the list. Isnt it reasonable for me to put the more important items at the front of the list?
2012-02-04 9:59 am
That's correct. The emphasis subject or object is always at the last.

Provide food for the children.
Provide water for the children.
Provide clothes for the children.

Provide the children with food.
Provide the farmers with food.
Provide the teachers with food.

: )

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