
2012-02-03 8:47 am
請幫忙, 意思如下:
sales team要求想於今個月訂500隻USB, 請幫忙跟進

回答 (3)

2012-02-03 10:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
What is USB? USB drives?

2012-02-03 02:14:17 補充:
The sales team has requested an order of 500 USB drives by this month. Please follow up on the order.
2012-02-03 4:00 pm
Please be noted and handle the sales team' s new PO of 500 USBs within this month .
2012-02-03 3:26 pm
Since in Chinese, it says 要求 , 想 I assume no order has been placed yet. If so, here it goes .....
Our sales team want to order 500 USB this month, please help them how to proceed.

2012-02-03 07:52:44 補充:
how to proceed (如何進行) includes 跟誰接洽,如何下單,付款,跟進,投訴等等。
If the order is already placed, you can use garlic's answer.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:30:39
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