
2012-01-31 5:52 am


回答 (5)

2012-01-31 7:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
First of all, you need to know that company (a) don't know there are other companies ordering things from company (b) and they never try to content us. Moreover, your document shows that you only offer the discount to a particular receiver and it dosen't mean every receivers gets the discount.

2012-01-30 23:41:20 補充:
the 2nd line last word "d" and the 3rd line first word "ocument" are one word!!!!!!! don't spell wrong!
參考: own, own
2012-02-02 10:55 pm
I am not sure I understand what is it trying to say in Chinese. If the original message is unclear, translation will make worse.
2012-01-31 7:20 pm
First you need to know a vehicles company does not know the company has
other companies to provide goods b
Other companies have not contacted the company and a
And you just show the file name of the consignee to a company that provides
Does not mean that all of the consignee are entitled to price
2012-01-31 7:11 pm
First of all, company A doesn't know there's company B contents on the same truck. Plus, no one ever contact company A before.

Document that your side provided only indicated discount for company A but not for others.
2012-01-31 9:01 am
Try viewing the answers with Firefox. Firefox does not break a word into two lines. Don't use IE.

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