
2012-01-25 10:57 am

可以用 hold some people hostages,有貼近「籌碼」的表逹方式嗎﹖

回答 (8)

2012-01-25 6:29 pm
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Quoted from The Free Dictionary:
"bargaining chip
Fig. something to be used (traded) in negotiations. I want to use their refusal to meet our terms as a bargaining chip in future negotiations."

Based on the above:
「談判卓上的籌碼」 = bargaining chip (on the bargaining table).

Teachers use the students' benefits as a bargaining chip to negotiate with their employer.


2012-01-26 14:55:14 補充:
「談判卓上的籌碼」came directly from the english expression "bargaining chip". It is like a "chip" on the gambling table. You use it to bet to win, and risk losing it. The bargaining chip is something you are prepared to give up, in order to negotiate for something in return.

2012-01-26 14:56:41 補充:
It has nothing to do with ammunition or taking hostages. The example clearly shows the teachers are eager to use the students' benefits as the bargaining chip, so if they win, they get the benefits, and if they lose, the students lose the benefits.

2012-01-26 15:01:38 補充:
It actually carries the implication that the teachers may be willing to trade the students' benefits for their own, as part of the bargaining condition.

2012-01-27 10:26:00 補充:
1of 3
I think the choice of the term 籌碼 in describing a bargaining process restricts it to something "positive" or "of value", as this is something you trade off, in order to receive something good in return.

2012-01-27 10:28:55 補充:
2 of 4
This is equal to saying: "if you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours".
The notion of "ammunition", "taking hostages", "threats" etc. are negative

2012-01-27 10:29:43 補充:
3of 4
actions which the teachers could say they would take, if they don't get what they want. This is equal to saying: "If you don't scratch my back, I'll scratch your face !"

2012-01-27 10:30:48 補充:
4 of 4
Therefore, in bargaining, you have to bargain good things for good things, or bad things for bad things. As such 籌碼 could not mean "taking hostage" or "ammunition".
參考: My past learning
2012-01-26 2:34 pm
ammunition: information, advice, or supplies to help defend or attack a viewpoint, argument, or claim.

ammunition 彈藥 is similar in meaning to 籌碼 as far as bargaining and negotiation is concerned.

2012-01-26 06:36:54 補充:
Students' benefits are ammunition for teachers in their negotiate with the employer.

2012-01-27 04:35:10 補充:
What I have in mind is that teachers have taken industrial such action as refraining from administrative work, not correcting papers and distributing report cards, etc, putting students' welfare at stake as a way to advance their demand for better terms.

2012-01-27 04:43:21 補充:
Holding students hostages can only be interpreted figuratively, of course.
2012-01-26 2:16 am
"Hold hostage" can be the antecedent leading to the negotiation. It itself is not the "currency" used in the bargaining process.
The teachers use students' privileges as bargaining tokens in their negotiation with the employer.

2012-01-25 18:19:33 補充:
Tokens , with its various meanings of:
Something serving as an indication, proof, or expression of something else
Something that signifies or evidences authority, validity, or identity
A piece of stamped metal used as a substitute for currency
is a good translation of 「籌碼」 in a negotiation.

2012-01-25 18:22:46 補充:
Their hurt partner in some cases rightly or wrongly then use the children as a bargaining token during and after the split, which of course is ...

2012-01-25 18:36:29 補充:
Israel for years has been using the Armenian Genocide as a bargaining token. Stop spreading lies! You are ...(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRjiLPTmeHc)

she hopes to ... use her as a bargaining token to increase her prostitution business focus (http://myanimelist.net/character/33487/Nana_Hiruko)
2012-01-26 12:32 am
Bargaining chip is the best. Sometimes you can use pawn. In your particular example, you can also say

Teachers pawn their student's benefit, to negotiate with their employees.

But personally, I still prefer bargaining chips
2012-01-25 8:32 pm
2012-01-25 7:22 pm
The teacher negotiates with the employer by adopting students' education as basis of the issue.
2012-01-25 12:16 pm
Hold some people hostages might be an error.
Correction:-Hold chip Banker (bank manger) to put stake on, in a (gamble) Bet.
Or briefly,
A chip used as a counter piece,for negotiator to negetiate to come to an agreement in a game, in a claim, in a negotiation.

2012-01-25 04:27:54 補充:
Or briefly,eg.The teacher,who is holding chip,negotiates with the employer on behalf of the students' privilege.

2012-01-25 15:58:25 補充:
Or a brief comment,eg:The teacher,who is holding bargaining chip,negotiates with the employer on behalf of the students' privilege.

2012-01-26 14:42:07 補充:
Or in brief,eg:Teachers hold bargaining chips,for the students 'privilege,in their negotiation with the employer.
2012-01-25 12:08 pm
The teacher deals with(談生意,語法對,但可能語感不對) the employer on students' benefits.或
The teacher bargains(討價還價) for the students' benefits with the employer 或
The teacher negotiates with the employers, and take advantages of (佔xx便宜,以xx作擋戰牌) the students' benefits.或同意思,但不保留籌碼:
The teacher fights for(爭取某事而作某種鬥爭) the students' benefits with the employer.
參考: google

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