回答 (3)
For a tie vote, where does the question go after it is expired ?
2012-01-29 07:14:00 補充:
Really ? I don't see it there.
That is not good. Either the owner of question should cast his/her deciding vote or the question should simply moved to resolved section with the equal vote results.
Someone should give feedback to the administrator.
Roca 開創了一個新產品可以將"水"盆的水循環到"水"厠再用。
"水" +"水" ,我們的新產品終於把設計與環保融在一起。
2012-01-22 11:17:46 補充:
Garlic's narration is 100% accurate. Good job.
The narration of the video :
Sometimes innovation is the combination of two concepts.
Roca creates a new solution that reuses the water from the wash basin for the water closet.
W+W design and sustainability finally go hand in hand.
Roca 開創了一個新方法將洗手盆的水循環到厠所再用。
2012-01-28 17:00:32 補充:
The question stays at the voting stage forever.
2012-01-31 02:49:28 補充:
I like the idea of making answers with equal votes best answers.
收錄日期: 2021-04-23 21:32:11
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