
2012-01-18 7:20 am
1. Whether it is true, _B_.
A. I am sure
B. I don't doubt
C. I can say
D. I can't say



首先多謝你地既解釋! 我問返咗miss, 之後先知道佢當日講錯咗, 其實答案係D!! 就係因為哥陣我覺得答案有d奇怪,就上黎問吓大家! 事情就係咁.. 俾到誤會大家! 唔好意思咁多位!


多謝garlic2010 真係俾你推到答案係D! 感謝~!!~!

回答 (3)

2012-01-18 10:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
D. I can't say is a more appropriate answer.

"Whether it is true" is the indirect speech of the question "Is it true". Because it is an interrogative (疑問句) and answer A and C are affirmative statements (肯定語), answer A and C must be wrong.

I don't doubt implies that I am sure. Though grammatical, it is not logical to be followed by an interrogative. The better sentence is

I don't doubt that it is true.

I can't say implies that I am not sure.

I can't say whether it is true is grammatically correct and logical.

Some notes on the verb doubt.

Oxford Advanced Learners' Dictionary has this example:
I doubt whether the new one will be any better.
What this sentence means is that I do not believe that the new one will be better.

Come to think about it. Why do we need "whether/if" after doubt when "that" conveys the better meaning.

The meaning of "I doubt if she will come" is clear.
But what about "I don't doubt if she will come"? Does it mean I believe she will come or I believe she will not come?
If you write "I don't doubt that she will come" or "I don't doubt that she will not come", there is no ambiguity in meaning.

2012-01-18 07:21:55 補充:
I don't doubt = I believe

I don't doubt is affirmative, just as I am sure and I can say.
"I believe it is true or or" is illogical.

2012-01-18 07:22:19 補充:
"I believe it is true or not" is illogical.

2012-01-19 05:52:43 補充:
B is only correct in the following situation.

Whether it is true? I don't doubt (that it is true).
2012-01-19 1:19 am
當然係B, 因為:

A. I am sure 我肯定
B. 我不會懷疑
C. I can say 我可以肯定
D. I can't say 我不可以肯定


Whether it is true, I don't doubt
無論 (Whether) 是否真的, 我不會懷疑


如果要用A, C & D 就要放前面:
A. I am sure it is true
C. I can say that it is true
D. I can't say that it is true
2012-01-18 10:34 am
a我肯定(意思前後矛盾,不是答案:只能說,我肯定它是真的/假的)I am sure is true/false
c我說得出來(同a一樣,意思矛盾,不是答案,只能說:我知道它是真的/假的)I can say it is true/false

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