
2012-01-12 11:22 pm
而顏色沒有所謂, 任何顏色都可以

回答 (10)

2012-01-12 11:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Colour is not important thing, any color can be .
2012-01-17 8:39 pm
而顏色沒有所謂, 任何顏色都可以

We do not care about what the colour is. Any colour can be accepted.

2012-01-17 13:00:08 補充:
任何顏色都可以 means 任何顏色都可以(接受)
2012-01-16 6:54 pm
Any color is fine.
2012-01-14 10:39 pm
(大多數情況下你不會說謝謝你,謝謝你2 次。)

Colour is irrelevant, any one will do.
2012-01-14 5:25 am
而顏色沒有所謂, 任何顏色都可以
Color is not our main concern, any color will do.
參考: Self
2012-01-13 1:32 pm
It doesn't matter about the colour, which any can be.
'' 而顏色沒有所謂, 任何顏色都可以.''

2012-01-13 05:37:41 補充:
Any colour you take, it doesn't matter.
2012-01-13 9:42 am
Any colour will do.
2012-01-13 12:02 am
color is not the main concern, any color will do.
2012-01-12 11:56 pm
the use of any colour can do,not really important.
2012-01-12 11:25 pm
The color does not matter,any color can be
參考: me

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